99 | Part 2: Smart Summer Planning: Budgeting Tips For A Fun & Memory-Making Summer - Summer Camp, Summer Schedule, Summer Vacation, Free Summer Activities, Kids Summer Routine
Financial Coaching for Women: How To Budget, Manage Money, Pay Off Debt, Save Money, Paycheck Plans - En podcast av Vanessa and Shana | Budget Besties | Bougie On A Budget | Dave Ramsey Fans
Grab Our Signature Budget Template Now! It's SUMMER! We're talking all things summer including budgeting & planning for vacations, camps, activities, lunches and more. We'll cover: Using the budget and calendar as tools to put the concepts into practice. Determining what you can afford to spend on summer activities. How to use sinking funds or separate budgets for summer activities and involve your kids in the process. Teaching your kids about financial responsibility by having them contribute to paying for their summer camps or other activities. Creating a system, such as envelopes or jars, to help your kids manage their money and learn budgeting skills. Also, encourage them to be involved in decision-making and prioritize activities based on their budget. Planning your summer activities based on your budget and time availability, considering both monthly and weekly schedules. Leaving gaps in your schedule and prioritize downtime. Designing your ideal summer day and week, taking into account your kids' preferences and incorporating routines to maintain a sense of structure.Planning your summer on a macro level, considering the overall calendar and flow of weeks. Discussing and creating ideal summer day schedules with your children, including both fun activities and chores. Considering the time and effort it takes to keep your kids busy versus allowing them to have downtime and be creative. Embracing boredom as it fosters creativity and encourages children to explore new activities and use their imagination. Viewing summer as a season of rest and downtime, allowing you and your children to enjoy a slower pace before the busyness of other seasons. 4 Ways To Connect With Us: 1️⃣ FREE CALL: Book your FREE 20-Minute Financial Coaching Call now! Get personalized advice and start your financial journey ➡︎ https://www.budgetbesties.com/freecall 2️⃣ FACEBOOK: Become part of our Supportive Facebook Group. Connect, share, and learn with others mastering their budget skills ➡︎ https://www.budgetbesties.com/facebook 3️⃣ BUDGET: Grab our Signature Budget Template! It's your key to organizing and optimizing your finances effectively ➡︎ https://budgetbesties.com/budget 4️⃣ COACHING: Ready to dive deep into your finances? Sign up for 1-on-1 or Group Financial Coaching. It’s the accountability and guidance you need to make real progress ➡︎ https://budgetbesties.com/coaching "I love Shana & Vanessa and this podcast is amazing!" < If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing our show! It helps us to reach more people – just like you – to help them change their financial future. Don’t forget to follow the show so you don’t miss any episodes! And, if you’re feeling really generous, we’d be SO honored if you would share this podcast with someone. Click here to view our privacy policy. This description may contain affiliate links, meaning we may get a commission at no cost to you if you click & purchase!