131 | Make Your September Budget With Us: Plan Your Monthly Budget, Savings & Debt Pay Off With Our Help & Tips
Financial Coaching for Women: How To Budget, Manage Money, Pay Off Debt, Save Money, Paycheck Plans - En podcast av Vanessa and Shana | Budget Besties | Bougie On A Budget | Dave Ramsey Fans
Book a free 20 minute financial coaching session with us! It's that time again! A new month, new budget!! We're talking: How to Wrap Up August Before focusing on September, take the time to wrap up August's budget. Finalize your numbers and compare what you budgeted to what you actually spent. This process helps you learn and make better budgeting decisions going forward. Don't be too hard on yourself; it's about learning and improving, not aiming for perfection. Check Your Income & Expense Changes Transitioning from August to September might bring changes in income and expenses. Update your budget to reflect any alterations in income sources. Review the changes in expenses, such as the end of summer camps or vacation spending. Consider adjusting childcare expenses and sports-related costs. What Do You Need To Save For? Establish sinking funds for expenses that occur annually, such as homeschooling fees or insurance premiums. Divide the total amount needed by 12 and save that amount monthly to avoid financial strain when the bill comes due. Review annual subscriptions, such as Disney+ or Amazon Prime, and plan accordingly. Setting Money Goals for September September should have specific goals and you need to put them in your budget. Set financial goals for September and integrate them into your budget. Prioritize saving money or paying off debt based on your specific financial objectives. Aim to pay yourself or pay off debt ON PAYDAY to maintain accountability and consistency. Fun Wins Our Clients Are Having That You Can Have Too: Consider using cash for certain budget categories to enhance discipline and money management. Use envelopes to allocate funds for different spending categories, like restaurants or childcare. Name your accounts strategically to avoid accidentally spending designated funds. Understand that the process of building savings and reaching financial goals is a journey. Embrace the idea of being the type of person who has money and let your savings grow. Be patient with yourself as you learn to prioritize saving and stop impulse spending. Put it into Practice Schedule the dates for transferring money into various accounts, either manually or automatically. Plan ATM visits to withdraw cash for specific budget categories. As we look forward to September, we encourage you to reflect on August, make necessary changes to your budget, and prioritize your financial goals. Embrace the journey of building savings and make conscious decisions to manage your money effectively. Remember to share your money goals with us at [email protected]. Happy budgeting! 4 Ways To Connect With Us: 1️⃣ FREE CALL: Book your FREE 20-Minute Financial Coaching Call now! Get personalized advice and start your financial journey ➡︎ https://www.budgetbesties.com/freecall 2️⃣ FACEBOOK: Become part of our Supportive Facebook Group. Connect, share, and learn with others mastering their budget skills ➡︎ https://www.budgetbesties.com/facebook 3️⃣ BUDGET: Grab our Signature Budget Template! It's your key to organizing and optimizing your finances effectively ➡︎ https://budgetbesties.com/budget 4️⃣ COACHING: Ready to dive deep into your finances? Sign up for 1-on-1 or Group Financial Coaching. It’s the accountability and guidance you need to make real progress ➡︎ https://budgetbesties.com/coaching "I love Shana & Vanessa and this podcast is amazing!" < If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing our show! It helps us to reach more people – just like you – to help them change their financial future. Don’t forget to follow the show so you don’t miss any episodes! And, if you’re feeling really generous, we’d be SO honored if you would share this podcast with someone. Click here to view our privacy policy. This description may contain affiliate links, meaning we may get a commission at no cost to you if you click & purchase!