Lucy’s Primal Birth Story
Fear Free Childbirth Podcast with Alexia Leachman - En podcast av Alexia Leachman

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This week I'm delighted to share another positive birth story. This week Lucy HG is going to be sharing with us her primal birth story. Primal birth story? Well yes! It's primal because Lucy went all primal in the final phase of labour!
Lucy's Primal Birth Story
Lucy has been a long time listener of the podcast and would enjoy episodes as she would prepare for her birth so it's lovely to be able to have her on the podcast inspiring other mums with her story too. I recorded this episode for last season, but I ran out of time to post it. Beautifully, this week is when her little one was born, so the birth story you're hearing is a year old: Happy Birthday Sebbie!
Lucy is the managing director of an app development company, KuKu Apps, and is half Spanish. She lives here in the UK and made the decision late in her pregnancy to opt for a natural home birth. Her labour went on for about 25 hours, but listening to her, you'd never think it was an endurance test; she just took it all in her stride! Her primal birth story is lovely for so many reasons as you will hear.
Now there is so much about Lucy's story that is worth listening to;
How she handled two miscarriages and the first trimester of this last pregnancy
What made her change her mind and decide to opt for a home birth
How she thanks her mum for always speaking so positively about birth which gave her a solid foundation of belief and trust in the birthing process
Why she compares birthing to competing in a race. As someone who likes sporting activities like mountain biking with her husband, Lucy tells us how doing this helped both of them in their birth preparation
How she felt about her long labour
Why she didn't want a water birth (in her answer she mentions cavemen!!) < I told you she was primal!
How she felt about the lack of continuity of care from her midwives
Why she made it clear to her husband and mum to change the language they were using around her during the birth
There is so much in Lucy's primal birth story to help you get into the right mindset, not least a reminder to get back to basics and tune in to our bodies and the inherent power of birth
Enjoy! x