Birth, Midwifery & Women, with Independent Midwife Nicky Grace
Fear Free Childbirth Podcast with Alexia Leachman - En podcast av Alexia Leachman

After a bit of a break the podcast is back! To kick off series 3, I'm sharing an interview with an independent midwife, Nicky Grace, whom I know personally through my local Home Birth Group.
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Save the Independent Midwife
I decided to start with this due to the recent shocking news here in the UK, that independent midwives are being forced out of work because their regulator, The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) have announced that their professional indemnity insurance is no longer valid. This means that they can no longer attend births and if they do, they will be struck off.
This is a real hammer blow on so many levels;
women in the UK will be forced to use the NHS (ou national health service) depsite the fact that it does not have enough resources to satisfy demand
women who feel they need extra care and support during their pregnancy and birth, will no longer be able to receive the level of the support they seek
Some women pregnant women feel so strongly about this that they are seriously considering free-birthing (no midwifery support) which means that they are potentially exposed to increased risks in case the situation demands midwifery assistance.
Imagine if private dentists everywhere had just found out that their insurance was no longer valid and that they had to shut their practice. It wouldn't happen would it? So why does such a farcical situation unfold when it comes to something as important as birth and women's fundamental rights.
Here is more information about this crazy situation
This week's announcement: Indemnity provision for IMUK midwives is 'inappropriate', says NMC
Birthrights Criticises NMC for Independent Midwives Decision
I have a bit of a mini rant at the begining of the podcast, but really I wanted to use the podcast to shine a supportive ray of light on the incredible women that are midwives and for me sharing an interview with someone like Nicky does that brilliantly.
Nicky is an independent midwife who set up the Nottingham Home Birth Group, which is where I met her when I was planning my home births. She has been an independent midwife for many years *cough cough* and is also active in the Association of Radical Midwives (ARM). She also provides training to independent midwives through her Grace Academy of Midwifery and Birth.
Our conversation dances all over the birth topic - as you would expect! So the best thing to do is to settle in and enjoy!
New Fear Free Childbirth Member Area
During the podcast I mentioned the new Fear Free Childbirth member area, where you can access all the resources that accompany the podcast, as well as see the whole podcast archive organised by topic.
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You can find out more about Nicky and her work at