New Show: 21 Infrared Sauna Benefits You Should Know!

Podcasts Archives - Extreme Health Radio - En podcast av Justin Stellman

Podcast listeners: Click here for show page. 2024 Black Friday Sauna Sale I get the the question about infrared sauna benefits quite often. In this article I'd like to share a few studies about how regular sauna bathing may prevent disease, and even prolong your life. I suspect the 2 main reasons for this are the creation of 4th phase water in your mitochondria while also depleting deuterium and iron as the two main benefits of sweating. I don't have any scientific studies about those two infrared sauna benefits but they're just my best guess. I don't even think they've done studies on deuterium, iron and 4th phase water in relation to hyperthermia. I'd really like to see them done in the future. Before I get into infrared sauna benefits I want to share how long I've been sweating, how often I do sauna therapy sessions and some of the health benefits I've noticed over the years. "Exercise warms the body, and where there is warmth there is movement of the fluids; where there is movement, wastes are expelled, and when these wastes go, the body comes to its own proper nature." - Aristotle How I Use My Sauna I use mine Relax FAR Infrared sauna three to four times per week at the moment. I tend to use it more during the Fall and Winter seasons. We first got our Relax FAR Infrared Sauna back in 2011 right before we started our radio show. We didn't have kids until 2018 so we had it for seven years before the twins came along. For those seven years if you averaged it out, Kate and I both used it about 5 days a week. I probably used it five to six days a week and Kate probably four to five times per week. Either way you slice it, we were in that sauna almost daily. When Will and Ben came along in 2018 the sauna usage dropped pretty significantly but not nearly all the way. Twins can do that to you! For the past six years since they've been born we might use it three times per week, each. We seem to be drawn to sweating more during the Fall and Winter months which makes sense as it's colder during those seasons. If I go into our Relax Sauna during the Fall or Winter and I feel just frozen to my core, it might take me 20 minutes to start sweating. If I go for a sauna therapy session in the Summer when it's already 85 or 90 degrees in my "wellness room" I'll start sweating in less than 5 minutes. It's pretty incredible how that happens. To listen to one of the radio shows we did on infrared sauna benefits check it out below. FAR Infrared vs NIR Infrared There are 3 basic types of infrared light which are near infrared (NIR), mid infrared (MIR) and far infrared (FAR). Most saunas are either NIR or FAR and that's generally where the debate lies. Mid infrared is not really that popular as far as infrared saunas go but it's a classification so I thought I'd at least add it in. For the clarifications below I'm going to compare NIR with FAR light. Keep in mind that the light spectrum and wavelength for FAR infrared is not detectible to the human eye, whereas NIR light you can see. In other words, FAR infrared light is something you feel, not necessarily see. Wavelengths and Penetration Depth: * Near Infrared (NIR) operates in a shorter wavelength range of about 700 nm to 1400 nm. NIR light does not penetrate as deeply into the body; it primarily affects your skin’s s...

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