EBB 164 - Updated Evidence on COVID-19 and Pregnancy
Evidence Based Birth® - En podcast av Rebecca Dekker, PhD, RN - Onsdagar

I'm pleased to share with you today's podcast episode, which is a comprehensive update of the research evidence on COVID-19 and pregnancy and childbirth! To view the scientific references for this article, visit the COVID-19 resource page here and look for the February 17, 2021 podcast episode text. In this podcast episode, I cover: The current global situation What we know so far about prevention/vaccines during pregnancy Testing and diagnosis Symptoms during pregnancy Risk of hospitalization and severe/critical illness in pregnancy Treatment of COVID-19 during pregnancy Risks to the fetus, including the risk of preterm birth Timing of birth if you're infected with COVID-19 Whether its possible to transmit COVID-19 to the fetus in utero Antibody transfer during pregnancy and through human milk Newborn outcomes and best practices when a baby is born to an infected parent Hospital policies on permitting birth partners Hospital policies on permitting doulas Changes we've seen to labor and delivery practices during the pandemic Where you can go to read guidelines from professional organizations I hope that this podcast episode is helpful! I'm happy that our research team was able to put it together for you.