Shana Pennington on Being Intentional With Your Relationships

Everything Always - En podcast av Michael and Summer Mulder

Today we’ve got a special guest on the show. Shana Pennington is an adult child of a blended family who is passionate about sharing her story. She’s almost 40 now and has a family of her own, which makes her insights into the blended family experience especially interesting.

When Shana’s parents got divorced, they moved far away from each other, suddenly making it so that Shanna only saw her father a couple times a year. However, Shana reflects on the distance as something that was actually good for the family, as now they all come together happy and healed without animosity. 

Shana and I discuss the importance of being intentional with your relationships – both the new ones and the old. We’ll talk about the beautiful side of divorce that creates the opportunity for children to be around more love – which is always an awesome thing, right? Tune in to hear Shana’s thoughts on happiness, responsibility, and harmony – and hear what she’d tell her younger self.

01:00 – 04:00 - Introducing today’s guest and her blended family experience

04:00 – 07:30 - Her relationships with her siblings and parents over her lifetime

07:30 – 10:00 - What helped Shana see things differently

10:00 – 15:30 - Seeking harmony and some tips for parents

15:30 – 19:00 - Reframing divorce and handling new family dynamics

19:00 – 24:00 - Advice for divorced parents

24:00 – 27:00 – How her experience has affected her marriage and parenting

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