Everything Always Episode 69: How to Have a Happy Divorce with Nikki DeBartolo and Benjamin Heldfond
Everything Always - En podcast av Michael and Summer Mulder

If you’re feeling totally helpless about your relationship with your ex, or are looking for inspiration and information on how to have a better relationship with them, this episode is for you. Nikki DeBartolo and Benjamin Heldfond join the show today for an incredible episode all about creating a happy and successful relationship post-divorce. They are happily divorced and have a ton of insight on how to navigate the tough emotion and business of it all. Listen in to hear from two people who have been through a lot,but were still mature enough to come together and do what was best for their son. You'll learn how Ben and Nikki collaborated, as well as the various trials and triumphs that occurred while they worked on their own unique approach to divorce. Whether you are just entering into divorce and still separated, or if you’re years into it with a relationship full of drama, you will get so much out of this interview. 3:42 – 9:03 - Introducing Ben and Nikki and their unique approach to divorce. 9:30 – 18:13 - The difficulty of dealing with ego and truly putting the child first. 20:12 – 25:26 - The effect of divorce on children and dealing with the loss of control. 25:38 – 36:24 - How to deal with new partners coming into the picture. 37:25 – 43:30 - The best way to begin working on your relationship. Takeaways: A new approach to divorce. Learning to put aside your ego in favor of your child’s best interests. Why your divorce is way more than just the two of you. How to build a good relationship even when new partners enter the picture. Why you shouldn’t text. Quotes: “Because we dealt with the emotional side of divorce first, it made it that much easier to deal with the business side of it.” “When there is conflict, there are ways to not feed into the conflict and there are ways to control yourself and your emotions and your perspective—even when you can’t control the situation.” “We had to keep our son front and center. It wasn’t about us, so we had to take all of our garbage and keep it aside because, in the long run, the only thing that’s important is making sure he is happy and he is safe.” 3 Interesting Clips: 9:40 – 10:22 - The power of ego and how it hurts us and everyone around us. 26:28 – 26:52 - The importance of making amends and building a good foundation. 38:27 – 39:34 - The reality of a happy divorce and what got Nikki and Ben to that place. Links: Nikki and Ben: Website | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook Our Happy Divorce by Nikki Debartolo and Benjamin Heldfond Connect with us: Instagram | Facebook | YouTube Everything Always Podcast Website Subscribe & Review in iTunes! Are you subscribed to our podcast? If not, we would strongly suggest you do. This way you won’t miss a thing! Subscribe here: Everything Always And now for the pretty please with a Bordeaux Maraschino Cherry on top. We would be so incredibly grateful if you left us a review on for Everything Always as well. This will help other parents and families like you find our podcast. Plus, it’s fun for Mike and I to sit and read them together on date night! Just click here, click open in iTunes, select “Ratings and Reviews”, tell us your favorite moment and best take away and we will send a huge cyber hug and kiss right to you! Find the Everything Always Podcast wherever you listen! Apple Podcasts (iTunes) acast Pocketcasts ListenNotes Spotify player.fm