Ep.10- Hvad kan man lære af sin far?- Allen Hicks
ET VENLIGT SIND - En podcast av Jacob Elan Hicks
Fordi jeg har en international medvært i denne episode, udgiver jeg her på Engelsk.Rigtigt god fornøjelse.In this episode we talk with Allen Hicks about his spiritual journey. From his time exploring mediums, his involvement with material arts, his time in the Human Potential movement EST and more recently studying the masters of non duality Frances Lucille and Rupert Spira. Allen Hicks is my father. He also has contributed to my spiritual development more than any other person close to me. He gave me a copy of Alan Watts “The Book” when I was 15 that escalated my interest into spirituality. Lately we have studied and practiced Non duality together and are both avid followers of Rupert Spira. Allen Hicks is an author, artist and photographer. The last 25 years or so we have lived on opposite ends of the globe, but this has never hindered our soul connection and love for each-other. Families come in all shapes and sizes, there is no right and wrong as long as your heart is in it. I caught up with him over zoom in his home in Oregon, USA. If you enjoyed this content please subscribe and give us a review in your chosen podcast player. We really appreciate you listening. Du kan læse en mere detaljeret opsummering at episoden påwww.etvenligtsind.com. Husk også at tilmelde dig vores nyhedsbrev for at forsætte din rejse mød et venligere sind. Også er vi også på Facebook og Instagram @etvenligtsindRedigeret af: Sebastian Lundqvist