Ear Snacks Podcast for Kids - En podcast av Andrew & Polly

Handlebar. Caterpillar. Pencil. Walrus. Andrew & Polly ponder the preponderance of upper-lip hair style choices and wonder -- can only men like Tom Selleck and Ron Swanson grow mustaches? Why aren't eyebrows called eye mustaches? Sally Rubin shares about her mustache and her film Mama Has a Mustache that encourages families to talk openly and listen curiously to what kids have to say about gender identity. We mustache you to consider supporting the work we do at -- subscribing for as little as $2/month gets you fun bonus content and helps us do what we do. Thanks to our friends Danica, Eamon, Heather, Jasper, and Katara (AND their parents) for sharing what they know about mustaches! To find out more or to be on the show, visit Thanks to this episode's sponsors: Thanks, Candlewick Press! Get We Are One: How The World Adds Up wherever books are sold. Thanks iD Tech Pro. To save $150 on weekly, small-group semesters, go to and use promo code EARSNACKS. You can also get started with a 1-on-1 tutoring lesson for just $49.