#172: How to Tell That Your Classical Conditioning Plan is Working
Drinking From the Toilet: Real dogs, Real training - En podcast av Hannah Branigan

When we pair two stimuli together as part of a classical conditioning training plan, it can sometimes be hard to determine when the association has been made between the old stimulus and the new stimulus… the “food” and the “bell”, to draw from a popular example. In this episode, I answer a question submitted by a patron with some ideas on what to look for to determine if that association is strong enough and it’s time to proceed to the next step. In this episode, we discuss quick review of conditioned emotional response, what happens when you pair a reinforcer with a stimulus in the environment, using this strategy to build a specific, positive CER in a training session, a recap of Lindsay Wood Brown’s work on resource guarding, and applying this strategy to stimulus-stimulus pairing with scent. For full show notes and transcript, visit: www.hannahbranigan.dog/podcast/172 This podcast is supported by MET Conference 2023: www.metconference.com/