#11 - What to do when you get stuck

Drinking From the Toilet: Real dogs, Real training - En podcast av Hannah Branigan


Have you ever been trying to train a behavior, or maybe UNtrain a problem behavior, and after making a certain amount of progress... get totally stuck where you can't seem to move forward to the next step? Happens to me all the time. Well, hopefully not as often as it used to. But it definitely comes up. In this podcast, we talk about a strategy to apply when you find yourself stuck while training. Anytime we are trying to shape a behavior, and get trapped on a plateau of some intermediate step... and can't quite push past it to make progress again. http://www.wonderpupstraining.com/blog/podcast-11-what-do-when-you-get-stuck#.WOu2XxIrJsM

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