Connecting with Your Kids in Any Circumstance Jim & Lynne Jackson Ep 98
Don't Mom Alone Podcast - En podcast av Don't Mom Alone Podcast - Måndagar

What we chat about:
- The busyness of the holidays and how it inhibits connection with our kids.
- Showing yourself self-compassion.
- What phrases are you repeating in your mind that fuel anxiety.
- How to apply the Connecting Families framework to a stressful situation Heather experienced.
- Why kids can behave better at school/other places and fall apart at home.
- Working with your kids in challenging scenarios.
- How to connect with our kids when we don't even like them.
- Dealing with your need to get parents' approval (the grandparents) when kids misbehave.
- When the lies we believe about our kids impacts our ability to connect.
- What to do when you are trying to connect with your child and they are not responding.
- An easy way to connect with your kids on a regular basis (holidays included).
- Working with your kids to prepare for the holidays.
Connect with Jim & Lynne:
Connected Families Site :: Facebook :: Twitter :: Pinterest
Links Mentioned:
- Free Discipline that Connects handbook
- Discipline that Connects Online Course--registration opens late January
- Need one-on-one coaching? What about as a Christmas Gift? Click here
- Peaceful Mothering DVD
- "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:5
- Stay in the loop with Jim & Lynn to hear about their online courses releasing in Jan 2016: sign up here