Reflection 94- Facing the Evil One
Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

If you wish to avoid the fierce hatred of the evil one, then refrain from striving for holiness. Satan will still hate you, but he will not hate you as much as the saint. But, of course, this is foolishness! Why would anyone avoid holiness so as to avoid the hatred of the evil one? It is true that the closer we come to God, the more the evil one will seek to destroy us. Though it’s good to be aware of this, it’s nothing to fear. In fact, attacks from the evil one should be seen as signs to us of our closeness to God (see Diary #412).Reflect, today, upon any ways that you have felt overwhelmed by fear. Very often, this fear is the fruit of you letting the trickery and malice of the evil one affect you. Instead of letting fear affect you, allow the evil that confronts you to be the cause of your increase in faith and trust in God. Evil will either tear us down or become an opportunity for us to grow in God’s grace and strength.Lord, fear is useless, what is needed is faith. Increase my faith, I pray, so that I will be daily under the control of Your gentle inspirations and not under the control of the fear caused by the attacks of the evil one. Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2021 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.