Reflection 70- Identifying with the Suffering Christ

Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

Which image of Christ are you more comfortable with? Which image do you more easily identify with? The image of Christ glorified as King of all? Or the image of the beaten and suffering Christ? In the end, we will fix our eyes on the Lord in glory and majesty and this will be our delight for eternity. However, while we are pilgrims in this earthly life, the suffering Christ should dominate our mind and our affection. Why? Because it reveals the closeness of Jesus to us in our own weakness and pain. Seeing His wounds disposes us to reveal our own wounds with confidence. And seeing our own brokenness in truth and clarity helps us love our Lord more deeply. He entered into suffering through His Cross. He wants to personally enter your suffering as you gaze upon His wounds (See Diary #252).Look at the wounds of Jesus this day. Try to call His suffering to mind throughout the day. His suffering becomes a bridge to us. A bridge that allows us to enter His divine Heart which loved to the last drop of blood.Lord, I gaze upon You this day. I gaze upon every wound and ever scourge that You bore. Help me to draw close to You in Your pain and help me to allow You to transform my own sufferings into an instrument of divine union. Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2021 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.

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