Reflection 54- Praying for Others

Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

It’s easy to presume that everyone we know will go to Heaven. This, of course, should be our hope. But if one is to attain Heaven, there must be a true interior conversion. Each person who enters Heaven is there because of a personal decision to give one’s life to Christ and to turn from sin. How do we assist those around us on this journey? The most important thing we can do is pray for them. At times, praying for another can seem futile and unproductive. We may not see any immediate results and conclude that praying for them is a waste of time. But do not let yourself fall into that trap. Praying for those whom God has put into your life is the greatest act of Mercy you can show them. And your prayer may actually be the key to their eternal salvation (See Diary #150).Think about those whom God has placed in your life. Be it family, friends, co-workers or simple acquaintances, you have a duty to pray for them. Your daily prayer for those around you is an act of Mercy that can easily be exercised. Call to mind those in your life who may be in most need of prayer today and pause to offer them to God. As you do, God will pour grace upon them and He will also reward your own soul for this act of generosity.Lord, in this moment I offer to You all those who are in most need of Your Divine Mercy. I pray for my family, friends and for all those whom You have put in my life. I pray for those who have hurt me and for those who have no one to pray for them. Lord, I especially pray for (mention one or more people who come to mind). Fill this child of Yours with an abundance of Mercy and help him/her on the way to holiness. Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2024 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.Featured image above: Godsgirl_madi from Pixabay

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