Reflection 357- The Promptings of Grace

Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

When someone is troubled, you may shy away from them.  It’s easy to think that engaging them will impose a heavy burden on your time and energy.  But if the Lord is the one directing your conversation, He can do amazing things in a short while.  Sure, there are times when love demands many hours of care, but often times a few words, a listening ear, or a gentle smile will do more for a person in need than you could ever imagine (See Diary #1736).Reflect upon the fact that God is able to accomplish amazing things with very little effort on your part.  All it takes is a willing response to the gentle promptings of His Heart so as to speak a kind word, listen to a burdened heart, or offer a work of charity.  If it’s done as a result of the promptings of the Holy Spirit, it will be amazingly simple, delightful and well worth the effort.  Ponder how well you listen to the daily inspirations of the Holy Spirit and seek to act the next time you are moved to do so.Lord, I pray that I will always be ready and willing to act as an instrument of Your Mercy.  Please inspire me, dear Lord, to act on the promptings that You send me, and help me to express Your love to others in the simplest of ways.  Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2022 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.

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