Reflection 346- The Gifts of Others
Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

One act of Mercy you can offer to others is to perceive the gifts of God in their lives and to rejoice in that fact. Sadly, there can often be a temptation to be jealous or envious of others, especially when you see their natural talents or the grace of God in their lives. But if you can look at them with humility, your heart will be moved to see God at work in them. You will see their natural gifts as gifts from God given at the creation of their souls, and you will see their supernatural gifts as gifts from God given by His grace. Seek to rejoice in the goodness of God alive in all His children and you will add to those gifts in their lives and also in yours (See Diary #1671).What is your first reaction when you see either a natural talent or a supernatural grace in another? Are you jealous or envious? Or do you rejoice that you are blessed to see God at work? Reflect honestly upon this question this day and seek the latter so that the Lord will bring forth even more blessings in your life and theirs.Lord, I thank You for the way You are at work in all of Your children. As I see Your hand and boundless gifts, give me the grace of a joyful heart so that I may rejoice in the good things You offer to all. Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2021 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.