Reflection 335- Forever Forgiving

Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

One of the hardest things to do in life is to pray for those who persecute you and to treat them with the utmost respect and compassion. But what benefit is there in hating them or lashing out at them? Doing this “harm” to them is far more damaging to your own soul than to theirs. Forgive, forgive, and forgive again. In fact, forgiving another is a form of God’s justice in that it reveals that another is in need of forgiveness and dispels the vicious power of their malice in your life. Forgive them, pray for them and entrust them to the Mercy of God. By doing this you will have great peace in your soul (See Diary #1628).Is there anyone in life that you hate? Or anyone that you are at least tempted to have much anger toward? If so, reflect upon this person today and make the conscious choice to forgive them. Though your feelings may not immediately follow this choice, you will begin to find peace in this decision. Forgive them over and over as long as anger remains and the Lord will prune that vice from your life replacing it with His joy.Lord, in Your great Mercy You have forgiven me for my sins. I am unworthy of such a gift but I thank You for it. Help me to show the same depth of mercy and compassion to others, especially those who have hurt me. I forgive them, dear Lord. I forgive them a thousand times and more. Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2021 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.

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