Reflection 330- Praying for Others
Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

Do not underestimate the power of your prayers. The greater your trust in the Mercy of God, the more powerful will your prayers be for those who need them. The Lord knows all things and He knows who needs what. But He wants to dispense His grace in union with those who ask for it. Your prayers for others are the most powerful way that you can bring the Mercy of God into this world (See Diary #1603).Do you pray for others? If not, resolve to do so. Your prayer may be for a specific need or a struggle that another is enduring. But we should always leave the specific result to the Mercy of God. Offering others to God and trusting that He knows the best outcome for any situation pleases our Lord and wins an abundance of grace for those in need.Lord, I offer You, this day, all who are troubled and burdened. I offer You the sinner, the confused, the ill, the imprisoned, the weak of faith, the strong of faith, the religious, the laity and all Your priests. Lord, have Mercy on Your people, especially upon those in most need. Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2022 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.