Reflection 327- The Hidden Presence of God
Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

God is hiding. But why? He hides under the veil of secrecy and silence so that we will diligently seek Him. He does not choose to compete with the distractions of the world since He wants you to choose Him as your one desire. Desire to seek Him, hidden in your heart, hidden in the holy Sacraments, hidden in the silence and hidden in the people whom you encounter throughout your day. The Lord is there, waiting for you to discover His Heart filled with unfathomable Mercy. Seek Him with all your might (See Diary #1591).Ponder the hidden presence of God today. Be aware of the fact that the presence of God is all around you, constantly calling to you and inviting you into His Heart. If you allow yourself to become disinterested or distracted by the world, you will never discover how close He is. Reflect upon His hidden presence and do not hesitate to seek Him today.Lord, I love You but at times I fail to live that love fully. I become so very distracted by things that mean little in the end. Help me to regain my focus and to seek You with all my Heart. Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2022 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.