Reflection 320- A Zealous Heart

Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

One of the easiest things you can do in life is be lazy.  Imagine if you had no responsibilities, had all the wealth you could ever want and could spend your days in luxury and relaxation.  This would foster a very lazy heart and it would also foster a very sad heart.  Rest is good, but excessive rest can turn into laziness and laziness ultimately becomes very boring.  This fact reveals the opposite truth also.  Namely, a zealous heart is one that finds great excitement in the activities of the day.  Though some may become obsessed with work, becoming a “workaholic,” an appropriate balance of rest and work produces the virtue of a zealous heart.  Are you zealous?  There are many things one can be zealous about in life, and not all of them good or within the Will of God.  But zeal for the salvation of souls, and the bringing forth of the Kingdom of God is a zeal we must all strive to foster.  In fact, our Lord wants you to have this as the highest priority in life.  As you grow in holiness and closeness to our Lord, He will send you forth cultivating the Earth with His Mercy.  Doing this with great zeal wins many souls for the Kingdom and produces abundant joy in your heart (See Diary #1548).Do you struggle with a lazy heart or a zealous one?  If lazy, look at the effects of this in your life.  The boredom and dissatisfaction you experience is a direct result.  If, however, you are zealous and diligent in life, what is it you are zealous for?  Reflect upon this honestly today and seek to grow in a burning zeal for the building up of the Kingdom of God. Lord, I offer to You all my work and my talents.  Use them for Your glory.  Help me to have true zeal for Your Kingdom and to work tirelessly for Your glory.  Jesus, I desire to be an instrument of Your perfect Mercy in the world.  Use me as You will.  Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2022 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.

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