Reflection 315- Mercy, Mercy and More Mercy
Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

Do you tire of speaking of the Mercy of God? Do you find that it becomes repetitive and unimpressive? If so, speak of Mercy all the more and ponder it with new zeal. You must never tire of the Mercy of God. The Mercy of God is so great and abundant that, in Heaven, you will see clearly how vast and wide it is. You will comprehend that it is incomprehensible and will never tire of contemplating its beauty. On Earth, you may find yourself tempted to dismiss Mercy as impractical and unimportant. It may be perceived as something old and outdated. When this happens, be reminded that this is foolishness and irrational. Understanding God’s Mercy must become your daily goal and daily mission. You must seek it day and night and never relent in your pursuit of this unending and unfathomable gift of God (See Diary #1521).Ponder, today, these three simple words: Lord, have Mercy. Say them often and intentionally. Remind yourself that if you grow weary thinking about and speaking about the Mercy of God then you are failing to understand its depth and beauty. God’s Mercy must engage your mind and will so forcefully that it is ever present and ever new. Its newness, especially, will help to keep you engaged in this gift and it will enable you to continually probe its depths. Lord, have Mercy, Christ, have Mercy, Lord, have Mercy. Say this over and over and realize that you can never exhaust this glorious mystery of love.Lord, you are never changing but always new. Help me to never tire of the simple yet profound truth of your Divine Mercy. Help me to always see the beauty and splendor of Your Divine Love. I do love You, dear Lord, and I pray that I may love You more every day. Lord, have Mercy on me. Christ, have Mercy on me. Lord, have mercy on me. Your Mercy, Lord, is great and glorious. Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2022 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.