Reflection 309- Conversing with Others

Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

When we engage in a conversation with another, it is always an opportunity to share the love of God.  Even casual conversation has such potential.  For example, listening intently to the details of another’s life expresses care and concern for them and reveals the fact that you see their dignity and are acknowledging it by listening.  Sometimes conversations can go astray and become dominated by things that are not of God.  In these moments the love and Mercy of God can also be shared by gently bringing the conversation back to where it should be, in gentleness and respect.  It’s important to remember that every conversation should be consecrated to our Lord.  It’s good to do so intentionally but this can also be done when one builds a habit of speaking of the good things of God.  Praying for another while speaking will also open the door to a holy and healthy conversation.  Do not underestimate the value of a holy conversation with another.  It always has the potential of being a source of the Mercy of God for both of you (See Diary #1494-1495).Reflect upon the conversations you have had this week.  Did they glorify God?  Were you attentive to the opportunity to use your speech and your listening to bring Mercy and comfort to another?  Try to say an interior prayer this day each time you have a conversation.  Invite the Lord to enter and consecrate the person and yourself to our Lord.  He will act through you in wonderful ways.Lord, I do consecrate my speech to You.  I pray that every conversation I have may give You glory and bring peace to others.  Give me wisdom and charity and help me to speak only what You desire.  Give me also a listening ear so that I may act with Your Heart of compassion, hearing the needs and concerns of others.  Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2024 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.

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