Reflection 304- The Truth in All Things

Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

Should we fear the truth? On one hand the truth can get us in trouble. Look, for example, at the Martyrs. They are witnesses to the truth with the shedding of their blood. They “got in trouble” only in the sense that their testimony to the truth brought forth their persecution. But in the eyes of God this is no trouble at all. It is an act of great love and honesty, courage and resolve. They chose the truth over life itself. Though you most likely will not be called to be a witness to the truth to the point of literally shedding your blood, the resolve in your mind and heart must be the same as the great martyrs. We must have an unwavering adherence to that which is in the Mind of God and must never hesitate to speak that truth with conviction. Of course, prudence is a guiding virtue that will enable us to discern what to say when. But we must, nonetheless, always be ready to adhere to and proclaim the truth with all the powers of our soul (See Diary #1482).Reflect upon how firmly you attach yourself to Him who is the Eternal Truth. Do you submit your mind to all that God speaks and believe it with every fiber of your being? This must be your firm resolve. Reflect, also, upon how you speak the truth to others. At times we can be tempted to speak without prudence which is ultimately a lack of charity. But at other times we can give into fear in the face of some opposition to the truth which is also a lack of charity. Seek to live in the Truth of God and to proclaim it with His merciful Heart and the Lord will accept this resolve of yours as a sacrifice of holy martyrdom.Lord, I pray for courage and prudence as I go through life seeking to live and to proclaim all that You speak. May I never give into fear or cowardice when opposed or challenged. Instead, give me a peaceful resolve to be a great witness to You in all things. Jesus, I trust in You. Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2021 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.

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