Reflection 302- A Great, Powerful & Keen Intellect

Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

Our minds are a gift from God and one of the two primary ways we are made in His image and likeness.  The other way is through the gift of our free will.  But the intellect is an incredible gift that must be given to the work of God.  It is good to pray that our Lord make our minds great, powerful and keen so that we may know Him, understand Him and comprehend all the rich mysteries that He desires to reveal to us.  Our minds grasp the truths of God in two primary ways.  First, we must strive to engage all the many truths revealed by God through His Church.  This includes the truths contained in Holy Scripture, the teachings offered by the Magisterium, the revelations from the lives of the saints and the theological discourses that seek to clarify and deepen our understanding.  These precious gifts, given through the Church, reveal to us the mysteries of God.  But the mind is also capable of receiving direct infusion from God.  When we allow our minds to be given to God, He imparts a knowledge and wisdom directly from His own Mind.  This gift offers us immediate clarity in life and discernment of His holy Will (See Diary #1474).Reflect today upon how fully you have given your mind over to the teachings of our Lord.  Reflect, first, upon whether you seek God’s Truth through the Church.  Do you study the Scripture and all that has been revealed through the Church?  Reflect, also, upon the direct infusion of Truth that our Lord wishes to impart to you.  This precious gift comes on account of His abundant Mercy so as to lead you into knowledge of His very essence and His holy Will.Lord, my life is Yours.  Today I especially surrender my intellect to You to use as You will.  Teach me Your ways and reveal to me the very essence of Your eternal being.  As I come to know You, dear Lord, give me the grace to follow You with all my mind and heart.  Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2022 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.

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