Reflection 301- The Communion of Saints

Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

One motivation we should have for working diligently at spreading the Mercy of God is the reality of the Communion of Saints.  Understanding this eternal communion will enable us to realize that what we do now we will rejoice in forever in Heaven.  For example, if you go out of your way to share the Mercy of God with another and this Mercy is received and affects that soul for the good, this fact will be known and proclaimed for all eternity as you share Heaven with this person.  Imagine spending your whole life on Earth spreading the Mercy of God as your greatest passion.  And then imagine spending eternity glorying in the effects of this Mercy in the lives of countless other saints who are in perfect communion with you in Heaven, some on account of your holy efforts.  Pondering eternity in this way will motivate you to fervently make it your most central mission in life to spread God’s Mercy to all whom you meet and in the way our Lord inspires you (See Diary #1471).Do you ever think of Heaven?  Spend some time today thinking about this glorious reality that awaits us.  What will you delight in once in Heaven?  Certainly you will delight in God, but reflect today upon the delight you will have when you see clearly the effects of the love you have shared with others.  These merits of grace will live on forever.  Think about these treasures that await and try to allow them to become an inspiration to you and a motive for your work of Mercy.Lord, I pray that You will inspire me continually to work diligently at spreading Your works of Mercy.  Use me, dear Lord, and touch many lives through my efforts.  Keep my eyes on Heaven and help me to make this goal the guiding force and motivation of my love for others.  I give myself to You, dear Lord.  Use me to save souls.  Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2022 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.

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