Reflection 286- Humility, Purity & the Love of God

Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

What is it that is most dear to the heart of our Blessed Mother?  If she were to appear to you and offer you her greatest desire for you, what would it be?  Perhaps there would be some specific need that she has been made aware of by God for your life, but in addition to this she would most certainly call you to the virtues of humility, purity and love of God.  We especially see these holy virtues alive in her life.  Our Blessed Mother was humble in many ways.  She was The Immaculate Conception, freed from all sin and the most glorious creation of God, yet while on Earth she was hidden and even thought to be a sinner on account of Jesus being conceived before she was married. However, she lived perfect purity in her life which was the source of her most perfect love for Jesus, Joseph and everyone else she encountered.  Her purity enabled her to love others with the utmost dignity and respect.  Her love of God was also perfect in every way and was made manifest by her total submission to His holy Will.  She said, “Let it be done to me according to Your Will.”  She meant that and lived it.  Allow this witness of our Blessed Mother to call you to embrace these holy virtues so as to imitate and share in her glory and holiness (See Diary #1415).Reflect upon these three virtues in your life.  How well do you manifest them?  Think about how they would have been lived in the life of our Blessed Mother and seek her powerful intercession so that you may imitate these virtues which she lived to perfection.Dearest Mother, I gaze upon your beauty and upon the virtues that radiate from your life.  I especially rejoice in your humility, purity and love of God.  Help me to imitate these virtues in my own life so that I may imitate your beauty and holiness.  Mother Mary, pray for me.  Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2022 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.

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