Reflection 282- Suffering, Persecution, Abuse & Disgrace
Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

This heading may not seem immediately attractive to you. Who would want to endure these things? But we ought to remember that Jesus endured them all to the greatest degree. Was Jesus happy? Was His soul at peace? Most certainly. This reveals to us that these crosses in life cannot ultimately do us harm if we are immersed in the presence of God. Remember Jesus agonizing in the Garden, or the mockery He endured, or the rejection that many directed at Him, yet in all of this He remained in a peaceful repose. Nothing in this world can steal us away from a profound peace if we remain immersed in the presence of God. All the suffering, persecution, abuse and disgrace in the world cannot ultimately have victory over a soul given to God (See Diary #1394).Reflect upon that which has the effect of stealing your peace away. If you were perfect, this would not happen. That may be hard to accept but it’s true. We easily point to this or that as the source of our unrest when the source is always within. It’s either a sin we have clung to, such as anger, or a sin of omission, such as a lack of trust. Whatever your experience is, do not get caught up on your sin. Simply turn your eyes to our merciful Lord and know that He can keep you in His peace through anything if you let Him.Lord, I invite You to take control of all my inner thoughts, feelings and emotions. Bring stillness and peace to my heart as I continue through this life filled with struggle. When I experience the harshness of others, help me to use that as an opportunity for greater trust in Your Mercy. I know that in all things I can remain wrapped in Your arms of grace. I give myself to You, dear Lord, please protect me and keep me close to Your Heart. Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2021 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.