Reflection 281- The Immovable Will of God

Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

At times, when we love God with a profound love, we may find that we have strong impulsions to do great things for God.  And yet, despite our desire and firm resolve, it can seem as if God is not permitting our work to move forward.  This may be because the Lord is not ready to act.  Though it’s good to have a strong desire to do great things for God, we must always remember that our desires must align with the perfect timing and wisdom of the Will of God.  He knows best and He will allow the work He inspires to come to fruition when He wills it, not before.  Surrendering your impulsions to God is a way of letting God purify the work He calls you to do so that it is ultimately His work in us and not our own work done in accord with our own idea of what is good.  God’s Will is immovable and all the longings and desire in the world will not move Him to act contrary to His perfect plan set forth at the perfect time.  Humble yourself before God so that He will bless the world with His Mercy through You in the way He desires (See Diary #1389).Do you have a heart filled with the desire to serve our Lord?  Hopefully you do.  Reflect upon these desires and know that they please our Lord.  But also reflect upon the fact that, if they are to come to perfection, even the most pure desire must be submitted to the Will of God.  Make that prayerful resolution today and God will use your heartfelt desire to manifest His Heart of Mercy to the world.Lord, I do desire to serve You with all my heart.  Please increase that desire and purify it so that my will dissolves into Yours.  Help me to let go of even my “good” ideas as I submit to Your wisdom and love.  I do love You, dear Lord, and desire to be used by You in accord with Your perfect Will.  Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2022 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.

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