Reflection 279- Your Inner Conviction

Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

You must seek to hear God speak to you through an inner conviction within your soul.  At times you may sense that God’s Voice is loud and clear, and at other times it may seem faint and confusing.  There are many things that can compete with the Voice of God but if you are open, you will come to know His Voice with familiarity.  This is important for your spiritual life.  Learning to hear Him speak and coming to recognize His Voice allows you to more easily walk in His ways throughout your life.  Seek to know this inner conviction that His Voice presents to you.  And as you learn to discern it, grow in confidence at His commands of love.  Daily obedience to Him in this way must become the foundation of all that you do in life and it will become an abundant source of His outpoured Mercy (See Diary #1383).How familiar are you with the Voice of God?  You most likely will not hear Him speak to you in an audible way.  His Voice often comes as a strong sense that we ought to do this or avoid that.  He speaks by influencing our will even more than our mind.  We may be attentive in our mind to what we sense, but the conviction God gives us is a spiritual sense.  Though God may speak to each person in a unique way, this inner conviction is a common experience of God’s communication.  Reflect, today, upon God speaking in this way and if you struggle with this goal, recommit yourself to listen.  Through this habit you will discover the abundant Mercy that God has in store for you as He guides you day by day.Lord, I desire to hear Your Voice speaking to me in the depths of my conscience.  Please do speak and fill my will with a sense and a conviction of Your holy and perfect Will.  May I learn to be attentive to You every day and follow Your gentle commands as the guiding light of my life.  Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2022 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.

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