Reflection 276- Seeing Without Accomplishing

Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

Does God get angry with you when you do not accomplish a certain task for His glory? It depends. He may issue forth His holy wrath if the failure is on account of your sin. This wrath is an act of His Mercy calling you to repentance. But at other times your work and service of God may be hindered by things beyond your control. The Lord knows this and sees it. You may wonder at times why God does not “fix” this or that problem. You may wish you had it in your power to move someone to act when they appear to be a hindrance to your work of mercy. But this is not your concern. Your concern must be to do all that is in your power to accomplish the Will of God, leaving the rest to Him. God is pleased by your efforts, not by your successes. He does not measure the objective success; rather, He measures the subjective success. In fact, sometimes God allows many obstacles to arise as a way of purifying your work and sanctifying your soul through patience and deepening resolve. Do your duty and that will suffice for the work of Mercy our Lord has given you (See Diary #1374).Think about that which you believe God has given you as a duty to perform. It may be some ordinary activity or it may be something that appears to be grander in nature. Reflect, also, upon apparent obstacles you encounter in fulfilling your duty. Try not to look at these “obstacles” as obstacles at all. Rather, see them as opportunities to deepen your resolve to fulfill the mission of Divine Mercy God has given to you.Lord, help me to be faithful to You in all that I do. Help me to refrain from focusing on the results of my efforts and, instead, to offer my effort to You for Your glory. I know You are pleased by my total dedication to You, dear Lord. Help me to daily resolve to deepen that dedication so as to become a better instrument of Your Mercy. Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2021 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.

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