Reflection 270- The Details of the Will of God

Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

Are you willing to accept the Will of God in your life?  If so, you must be open to all the details.  God’s Will is not some grandiose generalization.  Choosing His Will is not simply a matter of saying that you choose to follow Him with broad strokes.  Rather, choosing His Will is saying “Yes” over and over to every little prompting and every inspiration that the Lord gives.  It’s about building a habit of attentiveness to the small ways that God speaks to you.  Mercy is also in the details since Mercy and the Will of God are one and the same.  Being open to the Mercy of God means that you come to realize that God wants to enter into the most “insignificant” parts of your life.  The truth is that nothing in your life is insignificant to our Lord.  Therefore, you must realize that those parts that you perceive as insignificant are very dear to Him.  His care and concern reaches far and wide and is offered at every moment to every detail that makes up the apparent complexity of your life.  When you realize this, you will, in turn, want to seek the fine details of His holy Will.  You will want to serve Him in every way possible and, in so doing, you will be living in His merciful Will (See Diary #1356).Reflect today on the small things in your life.  What is it that, at first thought, seems far from the Will of God?  Knowing that every little detail of your life is important to our Lord and is always in His sight will give you a new perspective.  As you reflect upon the small things that make up your life, turn them over to the Will of God and invite His Mercy into those details.  Doing so will lead you down the path of true happiness.Lord, I offer You, this day, every part of my life.  Thank You for Your perfect love and concern.  Help me to love You in the details, embracing Your perfect Will in all things.  May I never tire of allowing Your Mercy to enter so as to produce the smallest acts of love.  Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2022 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.

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