Reflection 251- The Inner Dwelling of Your Heart

Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

The Lord desires to come to you and make His dwelling within your heart. But when He comes to you, what does He find? What is the condition of your heart? Some hearts are like a fragrant rose garden. There is light, beauty, magnificence and radiance. It’s a place of peaceful repose and a place made holy by the presence of our Lord. Other hearts are like a dark prison cell, cold, isolated and dreary. These are the souls who are trapped in a cycle of sin and have failed, over and over, to allow the Lord to enter in. But He does choose to enter your heart, no matter the condition. Be it a fragrant field of roses or the darkness and isolation of a prison, the Lord wants to enter (See Diary #1280).Ponder the inner chamber of your heart. What does this dwelling place look like? Be honest and reveal this hidden place to our Lord. If your heart is more like a dreary dungeon, cold, dark and isolated, then know that you, more than any other, are invited to receive the Mercy of God. He desires to come to you and open the door to that prison in which you feel trapped and isolated. He does not shy away from you in this darkness and will enter in. But when He enters, He does so to break you free. He desires to transform your soul into a place of sweet delight. This takes work, surrender, honesty, humility and trust. But God can do all things and can transform the most wretched soul into a garden of beauty and love. His Mercy produces the soil, the Sun, the seed, the water and everything needed to recreate the inner chamber of your soul. Ponder this fact and begin your transformation today.Precious Lord, I give to You the inner chamber of my soul. Come and rest within me, transforming my heart into Your holy dwelling place. I give to You, dear Lord, all that I am and all that I have. Recreate me and make me new. Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2021 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.

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