Reflection 245- Severity Postponed
Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

It’s important to know that Jesus has every right to bring forth His justice here and now. He has every right to be severe with us on account of our sins and to bring eternal judgment upon us. This truth is often forgotten on account of His Mercy. But we should never forget this fact. It’s important to remember this because unless we understand the absolute right that God has to execute swift and irrevocable judgment on the world, we will never understand that His restraint is an act of immeasurable Mercy. The Mother of God is especially entrusted with the responsibility of praying for His Mercy and pleading on our behalf that her Son’s wrath be withheld. God gave to her this responsibility of intercession for us and He listens to those prayers. He also calls each one of us to pray for Mercy in the world and, though our prayers are not as powerful as the Mother of God, they can be if we place them in her Immaculate Heart. Giving our Blessed Mother our prayers magnifies their power and transforms them into an instrument of unfathomable grace, holding back the hand of the Justice of God (See Diary #1261).Do you understand the right that God has to bring sudden and severe judgment upon you? That may not be pleasant to think about but it’s important to understand. Ponder this fact today. Believe it and know that He withholds His judgment on account of His Mercy. Seek the prayers of our Blessed Mother, this day, and offer her your own prayers. Through your prayers, offered through her intercession, God’s justice is withheld and His Mercy will be bestowed in our time.Dearest Mother, I offer you, this day, all my prayers, works and sacrifices so that you may in turn offer them to Your Son. Please pray for me and for all your children that the justice of Your Son will be withheld as His Mercy is poured forth. Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2021 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.