Reflection 239- The Seal of Mercy
Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

Every great saint exemplifies some aspect of the goodness of God. Some live lives of exceptional detachment from worldly riches, some serve the poor with unwavering commitment, some live lives of deep prayer, some have mystical revelations, some write volumes of books revealing the depths of faith, but all are called to bring forth the Mercy of God in one way or another. The Mercy of God must be like a seal, stamped upon your heart. God’s Mercy will shine forth from your life in the unique way that He has chosen for you. The “seal” of God’s Mercy will become unique, shining forth as a gift given only through you. Be open to the ways that God has chosen to shine forth from your life. Allow that seal to become radiant and visible to all and you will witness great things take place by God through you (See Diary #1242).Reflect upon your heart being sealed with the permanent and visible seal of the Mercy of God. In what ways do you discern that the Lord wishes to radiate His Mercy from your life? What are the concrete ways that His Mercy in Heaven is to come down to Earth through you? Seek the particular and concrete manifestations of God’s Mercy offered through your life. Committing yourself to these visible and real manifestations will enable you to become a powerful instrument of His Heart in our world.Lord, I love You and deeply desire to allow You to manifest Your Mercy through my life. I choose You as the source of all goodness in my life and give You my heart to seal with Your compassion and love. Shine through me, dear Lord. Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2021 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.