Reflection 232- Calming the Storm

Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

Recall the story of Jesus calming the storm (Matthew 8:23-27).  This miraculous act was done as a prophetic sign of Him bringing you peace during the particular challenges you face in life.  Jesus did this on a practical level for the safety and well-being of His Apostles.  However, by showing that He had absolute and immediate authority over the storm at sea, Jesus also made it clear that He has absolute and immediate authority over any storm within your life, pledging His closeness in your midst.  It should be consoling to you to know that there is nothing too much for God’s omnipotence.  He can do all things and can bring peace to any and every situation.  Knowing this should give you confidence as you surrender your “storms” to Him.  And when the storm remains fierce, despite your prayers, you should be assured that it is for your good or the good of others.  It’s an opportunity to deepen your trust in Him and to know of His particular closeness in those moments (See Diary #1197).Identify the storm in your life right now.  And if things are relatively calm, be grateful but also call to mind that this will not always be the case.  Life can “change on a dime” as has been said.  We must be ready for anything and everything that befalls us.  As you ponder a storm of life, ask yourself whether you believe Jesus is there, in the midst, by your side, keeping you safe.  Do you know that He could solve any problem instantaneously?  Reassure yourself of this fact and allow this faith to add confidence to your troubled heart.  The Lord’s love for you is perfect; He will never let you drown.Lord, I trust in Your almighty power and unconditional love.  I trust that You care about me and are present in every storm I face in life.  Give me hope in the midst of every trial and enable me to turn to You as the source of my peace.  I love You, dear Lord.  Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2022 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.

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