Reflection 230- The Contradiction of the Cross

Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

We should never tire of pondering the wounds of Christ.  Each and every wound He received was unjustified and caused by the sins of others.  His perfect hands and feet, His brow and back and His Sacred Heart should have been treated with the utmost respect, adoration and care.  But they weren’t.  Instead, they were treated with great malice and abuse.  From a worldly point of view, this is tragic.  But from the Divine perspective, each and every wound, be it from the scourging, thorns, nails or spear, opened up springs of grace flowing in abundance.  This effect is only possible as a result of the Mercy of God.  Think of each and every wound our Lord endured as an underground spring or the freshest water, gushing forth from the earth to provide nourishment for all.  From the streams that flow on account of these springs of Mercy, we are invited to drink our fill so as to be refreshed and satiated by grace (See Diary #1190).Ponder, this day, the very wounds of Jesus.  Try to see them and to understand the pain that He endured.  As you do this, see also beyond the fleshly scourge and trauma caused by the brutality of His persecutors.  Ponder the spring of Mercy that is opened with each wound.  Become aware of the streams of grace running forth from these wounds and allow yourself to taste of the refreshment that they provide.  Mercy has come forth from the sufferings of Christ.  Now He desires to flood you with Mercy and to pour forth Mercy from the wounds that you also endure.Lord, I thank You for Your infinite power and for doing the unthinkable.  You allowed Yourself to be beaten and scourged and produced from this malice the springs of new life.  May I bathe in these waters, dear Lord, and may I also allow my wounds to become a source of Your grace for a world in such need.  Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2022 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.

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