Reflection 223- A Dreadful Day

Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

Nothing in life has to be dreadful. Even the greatest struggle and suffering we endure can easily be transformed by God to become a source of His Mercy and our sanctification. But there is one thing that would be truly dreadful if it were to come upon us. And that one thing is the Day of Judgment if we were to remain closed to the Mercy of God through our obstinance and refusal to humbly repent and change our lives. This is a frightening reality to behold. When we stand before the Judgment Seat of God we will never be able to justify our stubborn adherence to sin. No amount of rationalization or self-justification will appease the Justice of God. Do not allow yourself to come to this point. Repent now. Honestly repent and confess your sin. Do not hold onto your self-righteousness. This will be easy to accomplish if you clearly understand the infinite Mercy of God offered you now and until the day of your judgment. After that, it will be too late. Do not wait (See Diary #1160).What do you need to repent of? Seriously, what is it? Do not cling to your own self-righteousness acting as if you have no sin. You may fool others, you may even fool yourself, but you will never fool God. His love for you is greater than you’ll ever fathom and knowing this should ease your worries about admitting your sin. Do it and watch the floodgates of Mercy open before you.Lord, I am sorry and I do repent of my sin. I am so sorry, especially for the ways that I have failed to honestly admit my wrongs. Give me the grace, this day, to see my soul as You see it and to admit to the ways that I have turned from You, clinging to my own sin and especially my pride. Have Mercy on me, dear Lord. I give myself and all my sin to You. Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2021 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.

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