Reflection 220- The Tormented Soul
Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

Some people feel deeply tormented in the depths of their souls. Sometimes this is caused by sin, sometimes it is caused by a special Mercy of God which enables the soul to experience the sufferings Jesus went through. Whatever the case may be, if you encounter any torment, whatsoever, in the depths of your soul, know that you have a special right to the Mercy of God. Why do you have this “right” to Mercy? Not because you deserve it; rather, because God wishes to bestow it. The greater your suffering the greater your right to the Mercy of God. For that reason, do not be afraid to run to God in your misery and pain. Do not be afraid of any form of rejection from God. The soul that suffers is dearer to Him than any other (See Diary #1146).The term “tormented soul” is powerful language. But it’s also very honest language, describing the experience of many people. So many people feel this deep interior torment, especially on account of their sins. They feel dry, alone and trapped in this cycle of pain. If this is you in any way, reflect upon the truth that God offers you a right to His Mercy more than any other. He chooses you as His special object of compassion and lavishes upon you more than you could ever ask for. Let yourself grow in confidence as you seek the Mercy of God and allow it to penetrate every torment you feel, no matter the cause, even if it comes from your sin.Lord of utmost compassion, please help me to know, with certainty, that You love me and will never reject me. I believe in Your Mercy and I trust that You desire to dispense it in abundance. When I feel lost, confused and even tormented by my sin, help me to turn to You all the more, calling upon You to fulfill Your promise of love. Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2021 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.