Reflection 210- Good Works in the Light of Divine Love

Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

Do you work hard?  Do you strive to be good?  Do you want to make a positive difference?  It is certainly good to try to be good.  But in so doing, we must never think that our “goodness” is truly good in the eyes of God, unless it is Divine Love that has become the source of all activity in our lives.  Humility enables us to turn our eyes to the One and Only source of goodness in our lives.  And that source is the abundant Mercy of God.  We cannot decide, on our own, to do even one single act that is good or beneficial to others.  We cannot please God by our own effort, and most certainly, cannot attain Heaven or any eternal reward by our works.  All is a gift and all is grace.  Only the humble soul sees this and believes it.  But when it sees it and believes it, great things will happen for the Kingdom of God (See Diary #1092).Reflect upon the good works you do.  As you do, see them for what they are, nothing less and nothing more.  If there is goodness in your life, humble honesty will enable you to understand that this goodness is 100% dependent upon the Goodness of God.  Without Mercy, you cannot do any good work.  With Mercy, you can do every good work.  God, at work in your soul, produces abundant blessings in this world.  Reflect upon your desire to be an instrument of the abundant blessings of God in this world and rejoice, humbly, that God has chosen to use you.  Say “Yes” to Him and you will see beautiful fruits for all.Lord, please give me a humble heart.  Help me to see that all good things begin with You and are only accomplished by You and Your Mercy.  I give myself to You so that You may use me for Your glory.  And I thank You for the privilege of being used as an instrument of Your unfailing Love.  Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2022 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.

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