Reflection 202- A Daily Anniversary
Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

Anniversaries are blessed opportunities for reflection and gratitude. Some anniversaries are joyous, such as the anniversary of spouses celebrating a long and holy marriage. Other anniversaries are difficult, such as the anniversary of the death of a loved one. Yet even in the difficulty of reliving the loss, it is a yearly reminder of your love for that person. There are many annual celebrations within the Church that point us to a remembrance of a particular aspect of Christ’s life. But there is one “anniversary” which is celebrated daily. It’s the daily commemoration of the death of our Lord at three o’clock in the afternoon. This hour is a sacred hour and is an important time to stop and reflect upon all that Jesus did for us. It’s a time of gratitude as well as a time to mourn His sufferings with a holy sorrow. This hour is especially honored on Good Friday, but it’s important to commemorate it every day (See Diary #1055).Do you remember the three o’clock hour? It’s easy to forget this most sacred moment of the day. Our lives can become busy and hectic and we can fail to pause and recall our Lord’s agony of love. But try to see it as your daily anniversary with the Lord. It is this hour that our prayers are most effective. There are special graces of Mercy bestowed upon those who pause and pray at this hour. Commit yourself to this holy devotion and our Lord will bless you abundantly.My Jesus, You hung on the Cross from noon until three in the afternoon. And at that holy hour You uttered Your final word, breathed Your last and died. May I always remember to honor this hour. May it be my daily reminder of Your perfect love. Help me to grow in devotion to Your sacred Passion, dear Lord, and through this practice, pour forth the Mercy of Your wounded Heart. Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2021 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.