Reflection 175- Love is Found in the Details of Life
Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

How nice it is when you have a friend that you trust with every detail of your life. We long to know others and we long to be known by others. When you find someone in whom you can confide even the smallest struggle or express the smallest joy, you have found a true friend. The Lord desires to be your closest friend. You must work to foster a “detailed” relationship with Him. He knows all things and knows you better than you know yourself. But this should not prevent you from pouring your heart out to Him. You must express to Him even the slightest concerns you carry and rejoice with Him over the smallest of joys. Speaking to God about the details of life brings joy to His Heart (See Diary #921).When you speak to God, are you honest? Do you trust Him? Do you open every part of your life and face it in His presence? The Lord knows all but He wants to hear it from you in prayer. Speak to Him today. Reflect upon how often you go to Him with the smallest concern or the slightest joy. Give joy to Him today as you speak to Him as your closest friend and confidant in life.Lord, You know all things and You know me through and through. As I recognize this fact, help me to always be fully honest with You. Help my prayer to always reflect the truth of my heart. And as I speak to You about the details of my life, I allow You to enter in, to help, to heal and to rejoice in all that You reveal. Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2021 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.