Reflection 173- Unity with One is Unity with Three

Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

The Blessed Trinity is described as having one Divine nature, yet remaining three distinct Persons. As a result, the three distinct Persons share in a perfect unity. In fact, they could not be “united” if they were not distinct from each other. So it’s necessary to speak of God as the Three in One. Each one of us is called to share in this same unity. We do not share in the very nature of God by taking on His Divine nature strictly speaking. However, since our humanity has been united with God in Christ, so also our personhood is invited into communion with Him. We are called, as individuals, to enter into a spousal relationship with God. We are called to share in the profound unity of the Holy Trinity. Christ is to live in us, with us and through us. And as we become one with Christ, as a result of His union with our human nature, so also we become one with the Father and the Holy Spirit. This unity with God is the greatest act of Mercy we will ever know (See Diary #911-912).Ponder, today, the mystery of unity. It can be a hard concept to understand and an even harder reality to live. But this is your calling. By the Incarnation, God the Son united the Divine nature with human nature. And by His death and resurrection, He set humanity free from the effects of sin so that we can be drawn up into His divinity. Ponder this. Pray over it. Seek to understand it and ask the Lord for knowledge. The more you grasp this glorious reality, the more you will desire to share in it.Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I desire to be one with You. I long to be drawn into Your very life sharing in the Communion you share in Your inner Life. Oh, Holy Trinity, I love You and trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2021 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.

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