Reflection 172- Patient Submission

Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

Are you patient? Both patience and impatience are born from a struggle within your will. There are many times in life when your will is drawn by something other than God, wanting something that God is not leading you to. Patience is a virtue that enables you to step back, take a deep breath and redirect your will to that which God alone has chosen for you. Patience is the gift of strength within you to deny your own immediate tendencies in deference to that which the Lord gently speaks to your heart. When you have patience, you are not controlled by the confusion caused through your disordered emotions or untamed feelings and desires. Patience brings order, focus and purpose. And the gift of patience, when it enables you to submit your will to the Divine Will, gives God immeasurable glory (See Diary #904).How patient of a person are you? What controls your actions and influences your decisions the most? Are you more controlled by your disordered desires, or by God? Reflect upon this question today and make an act of submission of your will to the Will of God. Making this choice will immediately strengthen you and bring forth the virtue of patience in your soul.Lord, I am so very impatient at times. I allow many feelings, emotions and passions to control me and to dictate my actions. I surrender my will to You this day. May Your Divine Will be done in all things rather than my own. Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2021 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.

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