Reflection 165- The Perfect Contrition
Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

When we become aware of our sins we may have various reactions. We may remain indifferent, or repent out of fear of God’s justice. But the ideal response is to turn to God with love and to have true sorrow as a result of that love. If we have a burning love for God, we will become attentive to even the smallest sin we carry. And every sin we see, we will desire to be rid of. This burning love brings us to an act of perfect contrition by which our love of God purifies the smallest speck of sin on our souls (See Diary #852).Do you see your sin? If so, how do you react to it? The way you react to your sin is a good measure of your love of God and Your trust in His Divine Mercy. If you react with indifference, your love is lacking. If you react in guilt and fear of punishment, your love is lacking. But if you react with trust in God and a total abandonment to His Divine Mercy, then the love you have in your life will become the source of even more Mercy poured upon you. Think honestly about your reaction to your sin and pray that the Lord will bless you with such an abundance of love for Him that you will be overjoyed at seeing that of which you need to repent.Lord, give me such a perfect love for You that I become aware of every sin in my soul that displeases You. As I see my sins, even the smallest of sins, give me the grace to run to You in trust so that Your Mercy will purify me and make me holy. I love You my dear Lord. Help me to love You more. Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2021 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.