Reflection 147- Mercy through Deeds, Words and Prayers

Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

Do you want to become an instrument of the unfathomable Mercy of God? If so, you do this by your deeds, your words and your prayers. First, you must constantly be on the “lookout” for opportunities to show Mercy by your deeds. Too often, when given the opportunity (such as to forgive another), we turn the other way. But we must be vigilant and committed to seeking these opportunities out and rejoicing when they are given. Second, your words can bring forth grace and Mercy, or they can wound and harm. We do harm by harshness or even by our failure to speak when we ought. We bring forth Mercy when we speak words of truth in love, even challenging words, so as to make present the Truth of God. And third, we often forget about the power of praying and offering sacrifices for others. Interceding for the world as a whole, and for individuals in particular, is a way of turning the key and opening the doors of God’s grace. Do not neglect this essential act of Mercy (See Diary #742).Reflect upon your deeds, words and prayers. Can you point to concrete ways by which our Lord has used you to bring His Mercy to others? Try to identify a few of them and if you struggle with this examen, it is a good sign that the Lord wants to increase His daily outpouring of Mercy through you.Lord, I consecrate to You my words, my actions and my life of prayer. Use me as You desire and help me to be attentive to Your daily inspiration. Help me to sincerely seek out opportunities, each and every day, all day long, by which I can spread Your perfect love in this world. I give myself to You, dear Lord. Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2021 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.

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