Reflection 144- Your Holiness is a Gift to Others
Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

Jesus deeply desires to pour forth His Divine Mercy into your soul. He desires to transform your sin and make you His perfect dwelling place. This is a gift beyond what we can grasp, but one we are invited to accept. Accepting the countless graces from our Lord is not only for our good, it’s also for the good of others. Jesus wants you to become holy in every way out of love for you, as His precious child. But He also wants you to become holy for the good of others. The holier you become, the more abundant is the Mercy of God in your life. And the more abundant the Mercy of God in your life, the more others will be blessed by God’s Mercy through you (See Diary #723).Do you seek holiness? If so, it’s easy to think of this goal in a selfish way. It’s easy to seek holiness and Mercy for our own good. But if the gift we experience is truly the Mercy of God in our souls, then we will be compelled to let Him distribute this overflowing Mercy to others through us. Mercy cannot be kept in a selfish way for selfish purposes. It must be received so that we become an instrument to others. Reflect upon yourself being this instrument today, and offer yourself to God for this holy purpose.Dear Lord, I thank You for the abundance of Your Mercy in my life. I thank You for loving me as Your precious child. Help me to be transformed by Your love and, in turn, to become an instrument of Your overflowing grace to others. Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2022 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.