Reflection 141- The Mercy of the Angels
Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

Only in Heaven will we understand the gift of the angelic hosts. These magnificent spiritual beings were created by God out of love. Some were created for the sole purpose of eternal worship and adoration of the Most Holy Trinity. They never tire of this calling and worship God with an ever deepening love and communion. Other angelic beings were created to bring the love and Mercy of God to us. The Guardian Angels and Archangels are two such creations that are constantly interceding for us, protecting us and guiding us into the Will of God. Our knowledge of them is not necessary for their continued attentiveness to our love and care. But humbly acknowledging their mediation and calling upon them is an act of pure faith and trust in God. They are here with us and we must call on them, trust in them, hope in them and love them. Doing so is the Will of God and an acknowledgment of one central way through which He pours forth His Divine Mercy (See Diary #706).Do you call on the angels to come to your aid? Do you pray to your guardian angel and St. Michael the Archangel, in particular? We must trust in their powerful mediation and sacred ability to guard and protect us in accord with the Mind and Will of God. Speak to these angels today, and allow yourself to become more fully consecrated to their care.Lord, I thank You for the gift of the holy angels. I thank You for Sts. Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, my guardian angel and for the whole host of Heaven. I pray that I will continually be open to the workings of these angelic beings in my life. Through their mediation, keep me safe from all evil and direct me in accord with Your holy Will. Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2021 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.