Reflection 122- If You Could Choose

Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

If you could choose between all the wealth in the world or an intimate and loving relationship with Jesus, which would you choose?  Do not answer that too quickly.  We may know that choosing Jesus is the right answer, but would you choose Him?  Imagine the power and worldly “freedom” you would enjoy if you had unlimited earthly wealth.  And yet, the truth is that all the wealth in the world cannot produce one bit of happiness.  It may make life easier in some ways, but far more complicated and burdensome in others.  Many holy men and women have chosen a life of complete poverty because they discovered the riches produced by an authentic and transforming relationship with Jesus and they wanted nothing to get in the way.  He offers this wealth to all of us.  But most do not accept.  Will you? (See Diary #587)Do you understand the riches bestowed upon you if you choose to allow the abundant love of Jesus to flood your soul?  Do you believe that this relationship is worth abandoning all else so as to attain it?  Is your one desire in life the burning love of Jesus?  If it is, this love will utterly transform you and the love from that relationship will flow forth from you, affecting every action you do and every other relationship you have.  Choose our Lord as your most intimate lover and make Him the true center of your life.Lord, I am aware of the fact that I can never fully grasp the depths of Your perfect love for me.  Nonetheless, I choose Your love this day and I desire to make You the center of my life.  Come fill my heart with such a burning love that I come to realize that You are all I need in life.  For in coming to know You, my Lord, I come to love You and all your creatures.  Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2022 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.

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